Usui Reiki Level 1 Certification, which is the art of self healing. This gives you the insight into performing Reiki oneself so that you can prepare to move forward in becoming a Reiki Practitioner or Master/Teacher.
All levels are completed 21 days apart.
Included in this training is a Manual, Chakra crystals, meditation techniques, tools for self healing, and other various materials.
Reiki Practitioner Level 2 will allow you the freedom to be utilized as a Reiki Practitioner. This will be a one day course, however 21 days needs to be passed before completing the next level; Reiki Master.
Included in this training is all you will need to start your practitioner practice and to perform distance healing; Literature, Teddy, Pendulum and various materials.
You will be granted a Reiki Master Certification, and unto the path of pure light. You will be given all master Symbols in the Usui Reiki. This will be a profound life changes for you.
Included in this training is a Manual, Ritual materials, and a solid understanding of Usui Reiki.
If you have finished all your Usui Reiki training, and now you are ready to share your knowledge with the world.
Included in this training is all supplies shared between teacher and newly trained Teacher. All manuals are included, and other reference materials.
Please contact Soul Circle for training dates.
Kids are humans too, and let's face it, full of energy! This course is designed with great thought and planning in order to provide your child with the benefits of Reiki.
Please contact Soul Circle for training dates.
Once you have been trained as a Reiki Master, open your heart to learn Grief & Bereavement Reiki too. In this training, learn how to calm a grieving heart.
Once you have been trained as a Reiki Master, learn how Crystals can help. We are part of the earth, lets use earth to help us heal others too!
Learn the art of Indian Head (Ayurvedic) Massage. Through this art you will new technique for the mid-back up through the head. Learn massage skills for the face, scalp, shoulders, neck, and reducing energy trapped in the Crown Chakra.
People relate face touching with their childhood. Generally speaking nobody touches our faces like this other than our parents.
If our hands could tell a story what would they say.
Let's start that journey together to get the conversation started.
Please contact Soul Circle for training dates.
Mediation gathering can be done in any area. Gathering could be with friends, in the community, and just incorporating Mediation as a way of life. Workshops can be done to teach Mediation skills.
Please contact Soul Circle for training dates.
Fresh air and a walk in the woods can do so much for our souls. Contact us today to inquire on Memorial Walks today.
Can book private classes or group classes.
Learn the Ancient Japanese Art of the Kintsugi Bowl. This Workshop is geared towards helping people with Trauma, Grief and other traumatic events.
Can book private classes or group classes. This exercise is always offered in a safe environment.
Contact us for more information.
Harness the Moon's energy with creating a Blessings box, or you can purchase one pre-made as well. Every stage of the moon allow for yourself to create intentions for the next phase. This is a great way for thoughtfulness intentions.
Can book private classes or group classes. Please contact Soul Circle to obtain your very own.
Gatherings ~ Teachings
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